"Open the door for a social living"


Social Media Marketing (SMM)

According to smartinsights.com, there are a total of 3.196 billion social media users as of 2018 and are expected to rise 13% year on year. It’s a huge market. It is crucial for a business to have a social media presence or it misses out on this potential market and if it already is present on social media it is important their presence on social media is a positive one as it can influence a business a lot.

We at rajabsoft make sure to design social media marketing strategies according to your brand and your goals so as to fire your social media presence up to a whole new level and generates high amount of leads.

We are the pioneers of all types of social media platforms be it instagram, Facebook, twitter or snapchat and others.

We at Rajabsoft want to make your social media plan a well-defined one, that’s why before we start off, we spend a great deal of time planning. This planning includes setting measurable goals and setting KPI’s, we then update your social media pages with the best content which is engaging and informative and we make sure to create the ideal customer profile to target the right kind of customer for our business. While we do this we also keep in mind to analyze the strategy our competitors will be using and to correct the shortcomings in those to get an edge over them.

Once we are done with this we will kick off the campaign. Social media marketing is not something that can be planned and left. It is a continuous process, so as to help you in this we will constantly measure your pages performance and keep it up to date according to the feedback and have timed updates integrated in the plan as well.

Rajabsoft will also provide customer service on your social media platform to answer all the queries received on all your social media pages. Our ultimate goal in managing your social media presence will be to maintain a positive image of your brand in the social media landscape and we at rajabsoft are experience in doing that! Contact us and get equipped to rock the social media with your business!